Dr Eddy Betterman

The more Germany tries to abolish carbon, the worse its economy is getting.

Companies in Germany are shutting down or fleeing elsewhere. Energy prices are through the roof, and are currently among the highest in the world. In short, all that “green” being shoved down the throats of Germans is killing them and their country.

One of the latest employers to leave Germany is automotive supplier IHI, which just announced the closure of its plant at Erfurter Kreuz, Thuringia. Around 300 people are losing their jobs because of this in a region that is already struggling immensely as it is.

In 12 to 15 months, the turbocharger manufacturer will no longer exist, a trend that is spreading to other companies as well.

This particular closure is a direct reflection of Germany’s green policies that are aimed at eliminating internal combustion engines, with turbochargers being outfit for those types of cars. It is all part of the massive shift towards “clean” electric.

“In recent months, several automotive suppliers have had to close their doors or file for insolvency,” one media outlet reported. “This development shows the volatile challenges facing the industry.”

(Related: Germany is fighting back against an EU mandate to ban all gas-fueled vehicles.)

Germany’s economic backbone eroding

Small to medium size enterprises, also known as SMEs, are a dying breed in Germany due to the green transition. And SMEs, by the way, have long served as the backbone of the Germany economy.

Pessimism among SMEs is rising while Germany’s business climate index has fallen to minus 1.4, we now know.

“The business climate index, an important barometer for the mood in small and medium-sized enterprises, fell to an alarming low of minus 1.4 points in February,” the media reported.

“This is the lowest level since the financial crisis 15 years ago. A survey of around 1250 companies conducted by Creditreform Wirtschaftsforschung shows that the majority of respondents forecast a gloomy future for the SME sector.”

The really sad part is that there is almost no chance of Germany recovering from all this. Going into year three of an escalating crisis, the German economy continues its downward trajectory with no apparent end in sight.

Germany’s ruling Socialist-Green coalition government refuses to take any responsibility for the crisis, instead blaming all sorts of other things such as the war in Ukraine, weak construction and industrial production, and “unclear economic policies.”

Then we have the recent shutdown of the last of Germany’s nuclear power plants. The German government lied to the people that these power plants were no longer needed, this not long after experts came to the conclusion that they are still desperately needed.

Coal power plants are also on the chopping block in Germany, which will leave just solar panels and wind turbines to power what was once the economic powerhouse of Europe.

“In 10 years or less, nine-tenths of the population will have left the country because the government destroyed the economy to ‘save the Earth,’” speculated one commenter about what will become of Germany unless it reverses course, and quickly.


Via https://dreddymd.com/2024/05/11/green-revolution-destroying-germany-economic-bloodbath/


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