New York isn’t the only liberal-run city to cut essential services to citizens while pouring massive amounts of their money upon illegal aliens, or to provide the unlawful invaders with prepaid debit cards. Recently we learned that Denver is diverting $90 million to be bestowed upon “newcomers.” Here’s how Democrats plan to pay for it:

Denver intends to defund its police force and fire department in order to better support those illegally entering the U.S. through a program that provides a monthly debit card based on family size, free housing, “access to language instruction, career pathway explorations, industry-recognized credential training, and work-based learning opportunities.” …

Democrat [Mayor Mike] Johnston praised the revised proposal on Wednesday, arguing that it was the best way to address budget deficits and give services to those who are [in the country illegally].

When cuts to the police and fire departments result in more crime and houses burning down, Democrats will propose the obvious solution: higher taxes.

Denver already has a big problem:

Nearly 40,000 migrants have arrived in Denver over the past year, making a city with a population of just over 710,000 the top destination per capita for newly arrived migrants crossing the U.S. southern border and traveling north in buses from Texas.

The lavish incentives ought to draw still more, even as rising taxes and crime drive out Americans. They are deliberately reducing Denver to a slum so as to guarantee perpetual Democrat rule.

On a tip from Wiggins.

The post Denver Pours Money on Illegals, Cuts Essential Services appeared first on Moonbattery.


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