Since the disastrous Johnson Administration, we have flushed $trillions down the welfare state, in the process destroying the black family as well as our cities. Blacks have enjoyed hiring and promotion priority for generations. They are largely absolved of responsibility for their own behavior. But when it comes to pandering to them at everyone else’s expense, too much is never enough to suit left-wing Democrats like RFK Jr:

Croaks the kook:

“During Jim Crow, Black banks, businesses, hospitals, schools, and farms were targeted for destruction. Racists knew that without these, the Black community had no chance of building wealth. We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure.”

Note that the rhetoric isn’t about slavery. Someone must have realized that slavery existed throughout the world since before recorded history before it was ended in the USA at the cost of 620,000 lives, almost all of them white. So we get looted because “Jim Crow.”

“These programs complement direct redress payments or tax credits to the descendants of the victims of Jim Crow and other victims of persecution,” the pledge continues.

Not even the Biden Regime — the most radical since FDR — will commit to reparations, not only because they are outrageously unjust, effectively enslaving the 87% of the population that is not black, but because the spending entailed would boil the frog too quickly, resulting in hyperinflation and short-term economic collapse before Democrats have had time to disarm the population.

But RFK Jr is too crazy to think about strategy. As his environmental policies attest, he is as psychotic as he is tyrannical and belongs in a mental institution.

Word is that he will help Biden’s handlers hold on to power by drawing votes from Trump. RFK Jr on the ballot splits the antiestablishment vote, and Trump is tainted by his association with Fauci and the Covid vaccines. With luck, people will realize that RFK Jr is all the way left on every other issue, so that he draws votes from Biden’s handlers too.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

The post RFK Jr Calls for Reparations appeared first on Moonbattery.

By Jeffrey L. Klump

I am 60 years old and widowed with 2 children. I live in Creve Coeur, MO. USA which is a suburb of Saint Louis. I am a Digital Marketer, Blogger, Writer, Life Insurance Agent, SEO Expert, and Work from Home Business Opportunity Specialist. I am the owner & administrator of the MEK Enterprises Blog. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you.

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